1. Examinations and tests enable parents to know the progress of their children and pay due attention to their studies at home.
2. No examination or Class test will be held for absentees before or after the scheduled time.
3. Promotion to the next class will be made on the basis of the average of marks obtained in all sems 50%. The pass mark for each subject is 40%.
4. If a student who, for reasons accepted by the Principal, is not able to appear for the Half-Yearly can appear for the Annual and his/her result is based on the examination.
5. Students whose attendance is below 85% of the working days may not be eligible to appear for the Annual Examination.
6. A student who does not appear for Annual Examination will not be promoted.
7. A student who gives or obtains unfair assistance at an examination will be debarred from the rest of the paper and will get a zero in that paper. Repetition of the same will result in dismissal. Any student found tampering with marks in the progress report and other school records will be asked to leave the school.
8. A student who fails twice in the same class will be asked to leave the school.
9. Answer scripts of the Annual Examinations are not shown. The result declared at the end of the year is final and not subject to reconsideration.
10. The school does not undertake to retain answer scripts of candidates for more than 60 days.
11. A failed student forfeits all claims to concession in school fees.